Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections

Sculpt and contour areas of the body by permanently removing stubborn pockets of fat with Aqualyx injectable lipolysis. This safe and effective non-surgical alternative to liposuction works by destroying the outer surface of the fat molecules so that they can be metabolised by the natural processes of the body. A course of 3-6 treatments is recommended for maximum results and the effects are permanent if accompanied with a healthy diet and exercise.

Small Areas

1 Session £150
2 Sessions £250
3 Sessions £300

Large Areas

1 Session £250
2 Sessions £400
3 Sessions £500

Treatment Areas
Double Chin, Upper Arms, Bra Bulge, Hips, Upper Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Outer Thighs and Inner Thighs.


Skin Boosters & Bio-Remodelling


Sculpting Packages