Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Crows Feet
The eyes can be a striking feature of your face but as we age, lines and wrinkles can form around the eye. Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to reduce or remove these small creases around the eyes sometimes known as crows feet or laughter lines. This treatment usually lasts up to 3 months.
Forehead Lines
The forehead is used often with facial expression and as a result can form horizontal lines across it. Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to relax the large muscle across the forehead and smooth these lines, refreshing the face and restoring a youthful appearance. This treatment usually lasts up to 3 months.
Frown Lines
The vertical lines that form between the eyebrows when you frown are caused by the contraction of three muscles also known as the glabellar complex. Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to relax these muscles, opening up the face and relieving that frowning or angry appearance.
Bunny Lines
These are the lines that appear on the sides and upper part of the nose when we smile, squint or frown and can be treated with anti-wrinkle injections. This treatment usually lasts up to 3 months.
Smokers Lines
These fine lines around the upper lip can be more visible in smokers, hence the name, but can also appear with ageing in non-smokers. Small amounts of anti-wrinkle product can be injected around this area to smooth the skin and reduce the signs of ageing. This treatment usually lasts up to 3 months.
Gummy Smile
A confident smile can bring radiance to the face. For this treatment, anti-wrinkle injections can be used to relax the upper lip for those who have a high raising upper lip when they smile, reducing the visibility of the pink layer of gum. This treatment usually lasts up to 3 months.
Nefertiti Neck Lift
Queen Nefertiti, known for her beautifully elongated neck and jaw line, lends her name to this treatment of the platysmal bands. The wiry bands that run vertically on our neck can become visible as we age and create a pull on the jaw line encouraging jowls to form. Antiwrinkle injections can be used to relax this area reducing the appearance of sagging skin and resulting in a lifting and tightening of the neck and jaw line. This treatment usually lasts up to 4 months.
Massater / Bruxism
Having a large massater muscle can cause the appearance of a wide lower face or a square jaw. The massater is also the muscle largely involved with teeth grinding (Bruxism). Relaxing this muscle using antiwrinkle injections allows the face to appear slimmer and less masculine improving your facial profile and can be used to reduce the intensity of teeth grinding and the associated symptoms. This treatment usually lasts up to 6 months.
Chemical Brow Lift
Eyebrows are the frame of the face. This treatment uses antiwrinkle injections to relax the muscle just under the eyebrow creating a subtle lift of the outer brows to open up the eyes and reduce the appearance of heavy eyelids. This treatment usually lasts up to 3 months.
Excessive underarm sweating can cause a great deal of embarrassment for both men and women. The muscle relaxing properties in antiwrinkle injections can be used to relax the tiny muscles in the underarm significantly reducing the amount of sweat produced. This treatment usually lasts up to 6 months.
Lip Flip
Want fuller lips without having lip filler? Anti-Wrinkle injections can be placed around the upper lip to effectively turn the top lip out slightly creating a fuller appearance. Results vary and last approximately 6-8 weeks, a great add on to your current ant-iwrinkle treatments.
What Are Anti-Wrinkle Injections And How Do They Work?
As our skin ages and loses elasticity, the dynamic movements of the underlying muscles can cause fine lines and wrinkles to form. The high quality anti-wrinkle product used is an injectable protein which works by temporarily relaxing the underlying muscles to prevent them contracting, reducing or removing the wrinkles in the skin and visible lines around that area.
How Long Do The Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Last?
The effects of the anti-wrinkle treatments generally last up to 3 months but can vary depending on the area being treated. Further information can be found under the specific treatment.
Will My Features Be “Frozen“ After I have THe Treatment?
Some clients prefer less movement and the frozen look can be achieved if this is your preference, however, the aim of the treatment is to achieve relaxation of the muscles to reduce or remove wrinkles whilst still maintaining natural facial expressions. You can discuss your treatment goals at your consultation.
How Long Will It Take Before I see THe Effects Of My Treatment?
The treatment can take some time to activate and work on relaxing the muscles. You should notice some changes around 3-7 days post treatment but full effects won’t be seen until around 14 days after. A follow up consultation is offered at this time to ensure that the expected results of the treatment have been achieved and free top-up injections can then be administered if required.
Will I Need Time To Recover?
No, generally anti-wrinkle injections cause minimal to no pain and rarely bruise around the injection site. You will be unable to lie down 3 hours post treatment, but will be able to go about your daily activities as normal.
Can ANybody Have Anti-Wrinkle Injections?
Anti-wrinkle treatments are generally considered safe. However, you may not be able to have your treatment if you have broken or inflamed skin near the site of injection, a known allergy or sensitivity to the product or any of its ingredients or are pregnant or breast feeding. It is not safe for use by those with neuromuscular disorders such as Myasthenia Gravis. You will have a consultation prior to your treatment at which time any concerns can be discussed.